Winner for the Christmas Writer’s Challenge!

After 635 votes and over 2,000 reads we have our winner!!!! 

Congratulations to the winner of the Christmas Writer’s Challenge, Vanessa Wright!!!!

To read the winning story, click here. Vanessa Wright’s biography, and other information on how to learn more about this author, will be displayed in the next few days.

I’m so proud of every one of these entries. You all did such a great job putting your minds into your work. David and I will go through the remaining entries and choose our favorites to display on the site permanently. The results of those will be displayed in the next few days.

Due to Christmas holidays we will all be a bit busy, but keep your eyes open for our next Writer’s Challenge for Valentines!! This time, it will be poetry only. 🙂 I hope you guys are ready!!! 

3 thoughts on “Winner for the Christmas Writer’s Challenge!

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