Christmas Writer’s Challenge

This Challenge is a Theme Exercise.  We want to challenge not only your creativity and writing skills, but your idea formulation.

The Theme is Christmas!vintage-santa-car-clipart-christmas

You can write in any style, genre or voice as long as it complies with the rules below.  Think outside the box.  Look at Christmas from the viewpoint of other cultures, nationalities and religions, in situ or displaced.  How does it affect a person’s fellowship, charity, isolation and depression?  What are the implications of Faith juxtaposed to commercialism?  Examine the battle ground for political and cultural bias.  Do the myths and legends of Christmas add to or detract from the acculturation of society?  And finally consider your story from an unusual perspective, a pet, a homeless person in a mission, an orphan, the guy dressed as Santa at the mall, or a pickpocket / criminal looking to exploit the season.
All we ask is that it pertains to Christmas.

coolrudolfrgbDeadline: Midnight of December 15, 2013 EST


-Each participant is responsible for his/her own edits.
-Minimum word count is 2,000. Maximum is 4,000.
-Entries must be submitted to
-Any entries submitted via Post or thread will not be included in the Challenge.
-Voting will take place December 16, 2013 to December 20, 2013.
-Everyone submits their own work.


-Voting will be open to the public. All votes will be tallied through ‘’Likes’’ and Ratings.

 **Winner & Prizes**119

-There will be 1 winner chosen by the public by popular vote.
-Winner will receive his/her own copy of one of the following books listed at the bottom. Winner chooses.
-Winning entry displayed in the Writer’s Gallery with a photo and short bio of the author.

 **Editors Favorites**

-There will be up to four others chosen by your hosts, David Kent and Adrianna Joleigh. (The number of choices depends on how many entries there are.) These chosen few will be shown in the Galleries showcase along with photograph of the author and a short bio, sharing a link to their sites, etc.

elf-with-christmas-listClick here for a list of the available prizes

This entry was posted in Christmas Challenge by David Kent. Bookmark the permalink.

About David Kent

I promote and encourage the advancement and education of writers everywhere. I dream of a society that once again incorporated literature into the acculturation of their children, replacing the empty calories of 22 minute sitcoms and mindless reality TV. But first we write, then prod them to read, and finally hope for the best. Read more at

6 thoughts on “Christmas Writer’s Challenge

    • Hi Tanya, Yes, send an email with attachment to We can take either MSWord or .pdf. When you send it, please include a picture of yourself, any links to other works i.e. blogsite or website and a short third person bio so we can publicize you and your work.

    • Jennifer,
      I don’t know if Adrianna has been in touch with you, so first thank you for participating and sharing the word. What really catches out eye are stories that come from an unusual perspective rather than the “typical.” Because it is an open challenge partially voted on by the viewing public, unless something is vulgar or to horrendously written, we do not turn away entries. This challenge will have editor choices for winning entries also, so it would be a good idea to think outside the box. As far as Adrianna or myself participating, we frequently submit to the challenges but with non-eligible pieces. We both love to write, but our interest must remain non-biased as the editors. I look forward to seeing your work.
      David Kent

    • Deadline: Midnight of December 15, 2013 EST


      -Each participant is responsible for his/her own edits.
      -Minimum word count is 2,000. Maximum is 4,000.
      -Entries must be submitted to
      -Any entries submitted via Post or thread will not be included in the Challenge.
      -Voting will take place December 16, 2013 to December 20, 2013.
      -Everyone submits their own work.

Let us know what you think